
T-Mobile almost makes Galaxy Note Official

We have all knows that the Galaxy Note was coming to T-Mobile. Leaked training docs, support docs and internal talk makes that assumption an easy one to accept. Many of you are holding off on buying a new device until T-Mobile finally makes the Note available. We don’t blame you. Everyone that we know with a note wont trade it for any other device currently out. We are still waiting for T-Mobile to pull the trigger and offer up a release date and pricing though. We had hopped it would have landed before AT&T customers received their ICS update, but that didn’t happen. Now another little drop of information landed through T-Mobiles twitter account. Telling the a follower that they are excited to confirm the Samsung Galaxy Note will be coming to T-Mobile. Pretty much a no brainer at this point, but it is nice to see something from an official channel.

It is kind of sad though that it has taken T-Mobile so long to finally get the Note out to customers though. While it is still a great device, the Note 2 is rumored to be coming in September.

How many of you are holding off on your upgrade to snag the phablet when it finally becomes available?

Via Twitter