John Legere certainly did shake up the wireless industry last year. No contracts, easier upgrading options, more 4G coverage and a whole lot of poking AT&T. It was a fun year to watch. Now that 2013 has officially ended, what is 2014 going to bring. No doubt some more insanity from the man that isn’t about to let up on the competition anytime soon.
T-Mobile’s G+ page put up a nifty little image today that checked off the 2013 resolution list. Ya, it was probably drafted just for the photoshoot, but still. The 2014 list looks even better. Aiming to continue removing customer pain points, faster 4G LTE, Unshackling families from ‘those other guys’, make waves at CES 2014 and Give AT&T a break…. or note.

I am personally a bit more interested in what the 4G LTE line will bring. Go faster makes sense, but what is the go LOUD addition all about?
I am personally really looking forward to seeing what T-Mobile pulls out at CES. I’m sure they will cause some waves and probably irritate the crap out of AT&T and the other carriers.