
T-Mobile G2X Gingerbread Update is Out Now

Well what do we have here! It looks like that super sexy, but all to irritating, G2X you have in your hands has an update ready for you. It will take you up a notch and give you Android 2.3.3 GRI40. The file is coming in at 178MB, so it might take a few minutes to download. You will need to use the LG updater tool in order to get this update up and running. I can’t seem to find any other information on this from any official sources, so I suggest you use this at your own risk.

This is for non rooted devices. Lets face it, if you spent the time rooting you already have the best of everything. If you want to try your hand at this update, head over to AndroidCentral and pick up the app needed to get this going. Don’t forget your USB cable too.

Source: AndroidCentralÂ