
T-Mobile HTC One S getting OTA, moves to 4.0.4 not Jelly Bean

So you wake up and look down at your fancy little HTC One S and see that wonderful little OTA update notification. You unplug it from the charger and swipe your finger down to click it on your way to get some coffee. Your excitement level increases, your heart rate goes up and you can hardly wait to see whats new. Then you find out it is just an update to Android 4.0.4 with Sense 4.1 and not Jelly Bean. I know right, talk about a let down. Still, an update is and update and it generally means good things. Like, prepping for JB in a future update.

So first off, you are now moving to Android 4.0.4 from 4.0.3 and moving from Sense 4.0 to Sense 4.1. That is pretty good news right there.  Here is the official list from T-mobile. Looks like a whole heck of a lot of good things are inside this build.

I recently got the wife an HTC One S, so I will be making the update for her here shortly. I love it when she calls me about a “weird icon on the screen thing.” Since it isn’t my phone, I probably won’t notice anything different. Wish me luck on the update.