
T-Mobile launch dates revealed for Samsung Galaxy S III, Note and new myTouch

Well looky what we have here. The first little bit of potentially concrete evidence of two of the most requested and desired devices to date. We of course are referring to the launch dates for the Samsung Galaxy S III and Samsung Galaxy Note for T-Mobile. We could go on for days about how great this news is, but instead, lets just look at those dates so we all know when we need to go broke again.

  • Samsung Galaxy S III 16GB Metallic Blue – June 20th
  • Samsung Galaxy S III 32GB Metallic Blue – June 20th
  • T-Mobile myTouch (Huawei Phoenix) – July 11th
  • T-Mobile myTouch (Huawei Buddy) – July 11th
  • Samsung Galaxy S III 16GB Ceramic White – July 11th
  • Samsung Galaxy Note – July 11th

Are you already looking around at your desk to see what you can sell? I now I am. Pricing details haven’t been leaked yet, so we will have to wait and see what they have planned. We do notice that the ceramic white version is pushed back to July 11th and only in a 16GB version, right along side the Note and the new Huawei myTouch devices.

This still leaves a few questions though. Pricing of course is one, but how the SIII will look is another biggie. P.S. these dates aren’t set in stone, they still have time to be changed before they announce it officially. With the exception of a few flukes in the past, they generally don’t change to drastically though.

On the Note side of things, we have seen leaked images of it in the past, like the one at the top of the article. Something that might make many of you extremely excited is that the T-Mobile Note, at the time of the leaks, was running Ice Cream Sandwich. Score one for T-Mobile.

Source: Tmonews