• News
  • 27 February, 2010

T-Mobile Rolling Out Update

Let me  just start off by saying, this is NOT the update G1 owners have been patiently waiting for. Instead, it’s a minor update exactly like the one the original myTouch 3G received earlier this month. The Android 1.6 update (DMD64) OTA is rolling out starting today, February 26th, and will gradually make it to the masses by March 15th. The update improves G1 user’s call performance and does not include any additional feature enhancements. To receive the update, G1 owners must have the required Android data plan added. G1 owners will receive a notification on their device giving them to choice to “Install Now” or “Install Later”. After you install the update, the handset will reboot and you’re done! Enjoy the improved call quality!

Source: TMONews