Official Motorola Droid X Update List

Please excuse the line at the bottom of this image, “Notice: Proprietary and confidential. Not for disclosure outside Verizon Wireless,” as they clearly meant Verizon Wireless...

Samsung Behold II Update Pulled

By this point, you should probably upgrade. Samsung has pulled their OTA update due to problems with signal quality and strength. The Behold II, for whatever...

Acer Liquid A1 Enjoys Éclair

An OTA update is rolling out for your Acer Liquid A1 allowing you to enjoy Android 2.1. You have been patient long enough, especially after watching...

OTA Update for the Motorola Backflip Rolls Out

According to @MotoMobile twitter account, the software updates are rolling out. Backflip users will notice enhancements to messaging, Bluetooth, camera and more. On the Motorola Support...