• News
  • 3 August, 2010

Three UK: Android 2.1 Update For Hero Is Waiting On Google

Three UK’s HTC Hero owners have been patiently waiting for Android 2.1 while some of us are already enjoying Android 2.2. Three UK recently sent out phase one of the update which was just to prepare your device and that it would be followed by phase two shortly. Great news! The Android 2.1 update has been tested and is a success and is awaiting the final go ahead from Google before your device will prompt you for an update. In a statement from Three UK, they apologize to their HTC Hero users for the wait and give reasons as to why the device has not received the OTA update earlier.

Thanks for all your patience regarding the 2.1 update for HTC Hero. We have now tested and approved the software and this has been submitted to Google to get the final go-ahead. We’re hoping that they can push this through as quickly as possible, but we’re not clear on the timescales for this yet.
Really sorry for the delay on this update. We’ve been working really hard to approve and launch lots of handsets and updates this month including iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy S, and the 2.1 update for Hero has had to queue up alongside these other big launches, particularly the Galaxy S which took a number of versions of software to get right. We’re a smaller network than some of our competitors, and while that has its advantages it also means that our testing team doesn’t have limitless resources. We’ve done our best to manage priorities, but the 2.1 Hero update hasn’t gone through testing and approvals as quickly or as smoothly as we’d have wanted – HTC did have to supply us with a couple of versions until we were satisfied it was bug free. We really wanted to get this to you for the end of July, but we’ve missed our deadline – I’m really sorry I can’t bring you better news on a Friday afternoon but at least you’re now in full possession of the facts.

Honesty is always the best policy, but it does seem a little late.

Source: Eurodroid

How many HTC Hero users on Three UK no longer have the Hero due to the long update process? Let us know in the comments below.