
Telus unleashing HTC Triumph on June 8th?

I think June is going to be an Android Month, lot of new phones are coming in June i.e HTC EVO 4G, MyTouch 3G Slide, Motorola Shadow(maybe), and now Telus also want to unleash a phone in June. On the Telus Home Page, you can see a countdown timer, the countdown will end on June 8th, and on June 8th Telus will unveiled something new, but what? Well, the only one device that comes in to our mind is the HTC Triumph, the Canadian Version of the HTC Desire. Maybe we will see the phone before Telus launch it, because there are lot of naughty people who love sharing leaks a lot.

Well, that’s the good news for people in Canada. I hope Telus will come with something good. What do you guys think?

Source: Engadget Mobile