
The Feinger – Pop it, Lock it, Don’t Drop It. Pre-orders go Live

Often times we get press releases and information that rolls through our inbox. Not all of them warrant time spent to cover. Heck, sometime we get 10 or 15 iOS announcements, lets face it, our site name has nothing to do with Android, right?? The Feinger is one of those extremely creative and interesting accessory items that was just to catchy not at least show you guys. The basic idea is to make sure you never drop your device again, no matter what you are doing. You stick an adhesive ‘knuckle’ to the back of your device and slide a neoprene finger ring onto your finger. Click the ball joint into the knuckle and you are set. My personal favorite aspect of the Feinger is the additional wall mount sticky they give you. Allowing you to stick your device to a wall, a dash board or even on the side of your PC screen or tower. I could see a dozen uses for something like this. You really need to check out the awesome little promo video they did for the product. Makes me wish I had cable again for those late night infomercials. To bad the resolution quality isn’t the best, but it still a funny video.

Beyond the recent pre-order release of this cool little item, the company is going to take $5 from every order and donate it to the WISH-TV Channel 8 Tornado Relief Fund. Which is a relief fund set up to help the people in southern Indiana that were hit by that tornado recently.

The company also offers additional knuckles, a flashy lanyard, additional sleeves and a few other goodies to pick up too. You can check The Feinger and get your pre-order in if you do so desire at