
The Highly Anticipated AVP: Evolution goes live in the Play Store

AVP Evolution
We have been watching out for Alien vs Predator: Evolution since Fox Digital Entertainment first let us know it was coming. The game play, the graphics, the development team behind it and the fact that it features two of our favorite sci-fi movie aliens every didn’t hurt either. We are pleased to announce that Fox has released the game right on schedule.

So what is the game all about then? Killing. Really, just some fantastic killing. You can take on the roll of the insanely vicious Aliens or the cunning, crafty tech packed Predators. Each side has a different experience and objectives. As you progress through the game you gain enhanced abilities, gain new weapons and armor and other various upgrades to help you get the job done. It looks like a pretty amazing game. Just take a look at the launch trailer and you will see how creepy and vicious the game is.


You can pick it up now in the Play Store for $4.99. Just click or scan the handy QR code down below to pick it up. Let us know what you think of it.

AVP Evolution AVP Evolution
Application: AVP: Evolution
Developer: Fox Digital Entertainment, Inc
Cost: $4.99