
This one time at Apple camp, they told me my app was too Much

Hehe, hopefully you all got the semi terrible attempt at making a reference to American Pie. If not, then you shouldn’t even be reading this post at all. For those of you that remain glued to your screen to see what this is all about, I shall tell you. In just three short days the next iteration of American Pie will be landing in theaters. Titled, American Reunion, it will bring back all our favorite cast members, including the over the top and sometimes raunchy Stifler. We all have at least one friend just like that guy. To help promote the movie, Universal Pictures did what any self-respecting studio would do, they built an app for that.

Yes, there is an app for American Reunion. Don’t go thinking it will some lame app with short movie clips and interviews with the cast members though. When submitted to Apple to be placed on the App Store, it was rejected. Can you believe it? An application submitted by Universal Pictures was rejected by Apple? I suppose when you think about it, the application is called ‘The Stifler App Suite’ and instantly makes me think of naughty sayings. Anyone that is a fan of the Stifmeister knows how he is. Apple rejected the application in its true form and made Universal Pictures water it down and censor the crap out of Stifler’s famous quotes and other quotes from the movies.

That didn’t stop them from submitting to the Play Store as is though. The app features a sound board, loaded with all your favorite quotes from the American Pie series. Most of which should only be used in the privacy of your own home. There is a Kegger Calculator which can help you determine how much beer and liqueur to buy for your next party and a ‘Chug it’ game as well. The Chug it game is pretty lame actually.

The app is nearly 40 MB’s is size. Much of this is due to the sound boards, ringtones, photo gallery and movie trailers.

The application is rated High Maturity, as well it should be. We definitely don’t recommend this app for kids or even for some adults. If you are a fan of American Pie though, it is a great app to have around for a good laugh, at the appropriate time.

Application: The Stifler App Suite
Developer: NBC Universal, Inc.
Cost: FREE