
Tidbit in Developer Preview suggests Android M will be Android 5.2

Google likes to leave extremely subtle clues about its upcoming Android software builds, and the latest one is no different. It was been uncovered in the latest Android M Developer Preview (#2 for those who aren’t counting) that a new “demo mode” has been introduced, presumably for the purpose of showing off the new features of Android M. What’s interesting about this demo mode is that the time on the device resets to “5:20” – and if Google’s previous teases are anything to go by, this is as good as a confirmation that Android M will be Android 5.2, not Android 6.0.

Android M will be Android 5.2For those who aren’t aware, the previous teases we’re referring to are like the time Google started teasing Material Design in Android Lollipop and the clocks on its screenshots were set to 5:00 – this was also the case with Android 4.4 (Android KitKat), Android 4.2 (Android Jellybean), Android 4.0 (Android Ice Cream Sandwich) and Android 2.3 (Android Gingerbread). We’re honestly not surprised by this news at all as it looks like Android M will be an incremental, though still substantial, update over Android Lollipop, improving on some of the missteps in their biggest overhaul in recent memory.

What do you think about Android M being Android 5.2, not Android 6.0? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Technodify via Phone Arena