• News
  • 7 September, 2011

U.S. District Judge orders settlement talks for September 21st in AT&T-Mobile Case

Not that long ago we reported that the Department of Justice filed a suit to block the potential merger of AT&T-Mobile. Many people rejoiced. Others dropped their heads in shame. I for one was very happy to see the U.S. Government actually step in and do something good for once. The most recent update to the on going struggle AT&T is facing puts a settlement talk date on the table. The Judge that has been placed in charge of the case has ordered the talk to take place on September 21st.

This could be the end or just the beginning of the current buy-out plan.The Judge in  charge, Ellen Segal Huvelle, has played a key roll in many cases. She helped make sure people could Opt-Out of companies collecting personal data and took part in the XM Radio class action suite in 2006. She has ordered all 3 participants – DOJ, DT and AT&T – to get a plan for managing the case in order by Sept 16th.

On the 21st all parties involved will meet with the judge and go over all aspects of the case and the complaints against it.If they can manage to reach an acceptable agreement with the court, then everything is a go. If not, well I am sure it won’t stop there. I have a feeling this case is going to go on longer than Casey Anthony’s. I could have compared it to OJ Simpson. AT&T and DT won’t go down with out a fight and if there is a way they can muscle through the deal, they will.

Looks like all my hopes and dreams might be shattered. So I ask you guys this question, from a personal standpoint. If the deal goes through, who should I switch to? I won’t stay if AT&T takes it over, nor will I go to Verizon. That really only leaves me Sprint. Are they a good carrier?

Source: NewYork Times