
Motorola CLIQ and Backflip get Multitouch Mod

Have a rooted Motorola CLIQ or BackFlip laying around? Have you always wanted the ability to pan-and-zoom like the higher-end Android phones, but you never could?

Wait no longer! Chinese modder, cbmixx, was able to modify the touchscreen driver from the CLIQ XT to allow the CLIQ to obtain multi-touch capabilities. After the mod was released, CLIQ modder, J_r0dd, quickly released ROMS for the CLIQ and BackFlip that included the mod for multi-touch capabilities.

If you have a CLIQ laying around, make sure to head on over to our source links to learn more about the multi-touch mod and try it out for yourself! I know I will!

Source: GFan, ModMyMobile BackFlip, ModMyMobile CLIQ