• News
  • 26 October, 2012

[Video] New Samsung ad strays from iPhone and borders ‘Dirty’

Most Samsung ads are pretty funny. They tend to poke fun at Apple and the iPhone, which is all fun and games. There is another side to advertising that we all know works great here in the U.S. whether you believe in it or not , SEX sells. Always has and always will. How can you create a great ad that doesn’t involve a woman in a bikini, without making it dirty, but make it fun and suggestive? Pretty easily actually and Samsung shows us just how its done in their latest Samsung Galaxy S III commercial. You really just need to take a quick 30 seconds out of your busy day and take a watch. Don’t worry, it is appropriate for work.

Did Samsung take it to far, or was that just the right amount of hinting at what she tossed on his device with S Beam? I love the look on the husbands face. I bet he watches it on the way to airport and then again on the plane.

Via Phandroid