
[Video] Speedtest and Quandrants on HTC Amaze 4G

It never matters what the specs of a device are. What matters most to consumers are numbers. There are quite a few applications available in the market that help you to determine various aspects of a device and how it will perform. Some of these application can be reliable and other one not so much. The issue at hand usually comes from custom ROMs and potential modifications to achieve a great score just so they can say “Lookie lookie!” Generally they are fairly accurate when it comes to a new device running on factory software.

One of the latest devices scheduled to hit T-Mobile is the HTC Amaze 4G. You know the one, the dual-core Qualcomm chip at 1.5Ghz. The same chip that is in the T-Mobile version of the Galaxy S II. Being the phone enthusiast that you are, you want to know what it can really do, right? Since you can’t get your hands on it just yet, you can at least get an up close look at the data speedtest and quadrant test on the Amaze.

Even though the device is theoretically capable of the mythical unicorn that is 42 mbps, near 15 mbps is still plenty fast enough for real world use. I was a little suprised to see it only hitting 2477 in quadrant standard. Although I have heard that application doesn’t do so well with dual-core devices. What’s your take on this device? Is the HTC Amaze 4G your next device how about the SGS II? Are you waiting for something else to come out?

Source: Tmonews