
Walgreens Sells Android Tablet for $99

Walgreens, the pharmacy that acts as a last minute shopping stop for Christmas, is now going to be known for selling a cheap Android tablet. Maylong, famous for their GPS units, has introduced the Maylong M-150 Android tablet. This tablet is only available for purchase online for a whopping $99 from Walgreens.  The Android based tablet will have a 7 inch LCD resistive touch screen.

M-150 Specs

  • Android   1.6
  • Cpu ARM9(VM8505+)
  • Memory    256MB DDR
  • WIfi  802.11b/g
  • Display  800×480 pixels
  • Built in speakers
  • Sd card slot, not micro sd.
  • Weight 12oz.

For more information on the M-150 tablet, check out the Maylong Group website.  Sources are saying this tablet will not see anything more than Android 1.6, but that is not for sure. If you are interested in more information please check out the source below.


What do guys think, is it worth the $99 price tag or will it just be another gadget that collects dust?