
Watch Four Demo Videos that Show off some Galaxy S4 Features


The Galaxy S4 videos keep on coming. Since the unveiling of the Galaxy S4, we have seen a slew of videos showing off the array features the new phone has. Seems that the boys over at SamMobile wanted to cut in on that action, by releasing videos on their YouTube channel that feature the Galaxy S4 features, but in a different manner. In comes some animation.

The videos below show off Group Play, the camera, motion, and video help. Why they decided to use animation in the first three videos is beyond me. But even though the animation seems cheap, I still like it. Reminds of some of the cartoons a use to watch when I was a kid. It is something different, and it demos these features they way Samsung intended them to work. So check out each video and let us know what you guys think.


Group Play


Video Help

Source: SamMobile