
White Nexus 4 image making an appearance, looks Nice

A white version of the LG Nexus 4 has been hinted at and rumored since late November. It popped up in a Carphone Warehouse inventory list and a blurry picture supposedly surfaced of the device. The rumors ran with a possible December release and maybe even a Nexus 7 and white Nexus 4 bundle pack. Obviously none of that ever happened. The idea of a white iteration of the device is a rather pleasing one though. It would offer a different look to consumers who like choices. Personally, I think a white N4 would look brilliant with that amazing reflective design element on the back of the device.

Nexus 4 White
The image you see above was sent into PhoneArena and had a claim to fame of it being a White Nexus 4. It appears to be correct. Looks the same as the black one, just white. You can even see the glittery reflective surface in the bottom right of the image. PhoneArean did some leg work and the EXIF data on the image gives a date from last week, along with the device name it was taken with, an LG Optimus G. They ran it through FotoForensics and it came back clean without any alterations present. It would seem that the image and device in the image are both real.

Does this mean anything though? Not really. Not in my book at least. There is a high probability that a white Nexus 4 was on the table in the beginning and it just never made it to the public. There could be a number of white N4 devices floating around LG right now that were part of the initial design of what we see today. The existence of the device doesn’t mean it will ever truly be available. It could just be a promotional color made up for Google Employees. We have seen that in the past with Motorola and Verizon employees and other companies as well.

What do you guys think will happen? Is it to late in the game for the N4 to make a color change? Is everyone getting all hyped up over nothing? Maybe Google is going for a special limited edition at a slightly higher cost.

Source: PhoneArena