
WinAmp To See Update Soon Bringing SHOUTcast Integration

Many of us have used WinAmp on our desktops for a long while now. Winamp recently dropped their Android application into the Android Market and it looks like we’ll be receiving an update that brings many new features to the application.

Word on the street is that once the update goes live, we’ll be able to listen to over 44,000 SHOUTcast radio stations. DownloadSquad, Nullsoft’s sister site, has offered up some information on what we’ll be looking forward to with WinAmp’s next release and has even provided a few screenies of these features in action.

For this alpha build, Nullsoft has focused onSHOUTcast integration. The implementation is still a little rough around the edges, but it works — it worksreallywell. You can browse the top stations, and browse by genre or search term. Click a station to listen to it, or push-and-hold to add it to your favourites for easy access in the future. Presumably, if you listen to one station enough, it might be automatically added to your favorites, too. Rounding up the changes, there’s ‘My recent stations’, which is exactly what it sounds like.

There’s no official word on when this update will arrive, but the SHOUTcast integration seems to be coming along quite nicely and we’re looking forward to it. Are you?

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Via: DownloadSquad