
Would you spend $13 on an e-reader companion for your Android device?

Here is a little unknown and off the wall, but still very cool and relevant new gadget. It is called the Beagle by ‘txtr. It is a low power, no frills, no Wi-Fi, no touch, no backlight e-reader. It is powered by 2 AAA batteries and that has enough power to keep you reading through 12 to 15 books before they go dead on you on a 5-inch screen. Getting rid of all those bells and whistles sure does add up to a long battery life. The company behind this little e-reader are currently looking for carrier support. They plan to do their best to get them down to around $13. For that price, I’d probably pick one up.

So far network operators have not actively marketed eReading. In our view, this is because of the lack of a suitable device, which matches the crucial conditions relevant to the operator business model.”

So how does this play into Android AT ALL? The only bell the Beagle has is Bluetooth. Using a companion app for Android, you will sync your books to it. Hence the Android relation. Making it the perfect e-reader accessory for your Android device.

Of course you could just sit and read books on your phone or tablet all day long too, but that kills the battery and, well, there are much more pressing matters you could be using both devices for. We can see this being a pretty big hit around the holidays. I know I wouldn’t mind having one around. What do you guys think? If you could snag one on the cheap would you? Or does the lack of bells and whistles make it a no go for you right out the gate?

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Source: Wired