• News
  • 8 March, 2012

WTF of the Day: Samsung’s mind-blowing surprise for SXSW? Wait for it….. Angry Birds Space


Angry Birds Space

Well, kids. I really don’t know how to tell you this, but I hope you didn’t have your heart set on an amazing new phone or tablet being at the center of Samsung’s big announcement planned for SXSW. Nope. There’s no Galaxy S III here, nor is there any 11.6-inch tablet like many have talked about in recent days. Not a chance. Are you ready for this? It’s Angry Birds Space — and no, this is not a cruel hoax.

Apparently, Samsung PR reached out to our friends at AndroidPolice with a little heads up on all the hooplah everyone’s been talking about. Much to our dismay, there’s nothing even remotely interesting in what they came up with. In fact, I’m so over Angry Birds, I had to muster up the energy to write this post. Have a look below if you’re still in the 1% of people who get excited about AB updates.

Of course, there’s always the chance that Sammy is playing an early April Fool’s joke on the world, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. Thanks for wasting 3 minutes of my day with the space lessons from the creepy astronaut. I may never be the same.

Via: AndroidPolice