
The Galaxy S4 Shows Off its ‘Stalking’ Features in New Music Video


The Galaxy S4 has many features and functions to get you through your day with ease. For those of you though, that have that special someone who you just want to say “hello” to; well you can use the S4 to stalk that person. So many uses, so little time.

The video below is a new music video that features the Galaxy S4, when a curly-haired, shy guy pretty much stalks his beautiful love interest. “A modern-day love story” this is being referred to, which I guess nails the type of era we are in. We all cannot break free from our mobile devices, so why not create a love story for yourself with that device. Now the apparent stalking this guy does with his S4 eventually leads him to getting the girl, but fellas…I do not suggest trying this in real life. Check out the video and let us know what you think.