
Plants vs Zombies 2 Soft Launches In Australia and N.Z.

Plants vz Zombies 2Plants vs Zombies 2, the sequel to the incredibly popular Plants vs Zombies, has been somewhat of an enigma in the gaming world these past few weeks: after releasing exclusively on iOS in August, we’ve been wondering for some time when the Android release would come amid allegations that Apple had paid a large sum of money to ensure an iOS exclusive launch would happen first.

Luckily, the time for wondering will hopefully be over soon as PopCap Games has soft launched the game in Australia and New Zealand. Although PVZ2 was also soft launched in China a few months ago, the same scenario happened when the iOS version was released in Australia and New Zealand first and then launched a month later. Based on this assumption, we should be seeing the worldwide release of PVZ2 in around a month’s time. Fingers crossed.

plants vs zombies 2The new Plants vs Zombies figures to be more of the same but with updated graphics and plenty of new additions. The game will feature:

  •  Meeting powerful new plants that will defend your lawn through time
  • Going toe-to-missing-toe with dozens of new zombies
  • Supercharging your floral friends with healthy doses of Plant Food
  • Firing up amazing Finger Powers to pinch, flick and zap zombies
  • Defeating brain-teasing challenges that will test your zombie-zapping skills
  • Gathering keys to play valuable side mission
  • Collecting coins to purchase potent power-ups
  • Earning stars to take you to new worlds
  • Connecting to Game Services to unlock achievements and compete against friends on the leaderboards
  • and Look out! Zombie chickens!

If you are in Australia or New Zealand, hit the Play Store link below to pick up the game for free now. Don’t be completely fooled by this price tag, though; it’s been widely reported that the game features numerous options to make micro-transations for additional game content, so be on the lookout if you do pick it up, and let us know how you find the game.

Source: CVG


Game: Plants vs Zombies 2

Play Store Link

Price: Free