
Sony To Focus On European And Asian Markets, U.S. And China To Take Backseat

sonySony, Sony, Sony. One of the biggest gripes with Sony handsets is the lack of availability in certain regions, one particularly important, big region being America. Yet Sony appears to be content to shy away from the challenge of the larger smartphone market, a fact which has now been confirmed by Sony CEO, Kazuo Hirai. Hirai says that their major focus will be on Europe and Japan which together make up 60% of their smartphone business and says that the U.S. and China will have to wait for slower growth.

I’m not entirely sure what regions make up the last 40% of Sony’s smartphone business, but I’m willing to bet that it would experience great results from supporting at least their premium Android products in China and the U.S. in at least some capacity, even without too much marketing. Many people were even scared that their newest flagship smartphone, the Xperia Z1 would never see the light of day in the States until evleaks posted up a picture of the Z1 adorned with the T-Mobile logo.

Sony has made great waves lately with its recent Xperia products and put itself at the forefront with its innovations and quality, yet it looks like they’re content to sit pretty for awhile longer; we’ve heard about Sony’s plans to be the 3rd largest smartphone manufacturer within 10 years, but with moves like this, it looks like this reality might be later rather than sooner.

What do you think about Sony focussing its efforts in Europe and Japan rather than China and the U.S.? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Xperia Blog, Google+