
Go For Gold: gold-plated HTC One M8 to be available in the Middle East

gold-plated HTC One M8Many of you will recognise the above device as the 24-carat gold HTC One that was released last year to commemorate the MOBO 18 awards, and shortly after that, HTC launched a slightly-less expensive (and gaudy) gold HTC One for general consumption. It’s reception was definitely mixed, however all signs pointed to HTC aiming to capitalize on the attention the gold iPhone 5S garnered in mid 2013. Well, HTC has decided to do the same again in 2014 with their new flagship, announcing that there will be a gold-plated HTC One M8 for sale.

This gold-plated HTC One M8 will be launching alongside its Glacial Silver, Gunmetal Grey, and Amber Gold brethren in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on April 4th, the official launch date for the device in the Middle East region. Pricing and availability for the gold-plated version hasn’t yet been specifically divulged, but it’s certain to cost a pretty penny. The Middle East has a reputation for lapping up gold versions of phones which is probably why phone manufacturers are continuing to release them.

Would you get a gold-plated HTC One M8? Let us know what you think about this gold smartphone epidemic in the comments.

Source: via Phone Arena