• News
  • 22 July, 2010

College Humor Interprets The Apple “Antennagate” Press Conference

As Apple’s “Antennagate” press conference has settled down a little, College Humor relives the good times and brings us what they gathered from the event. Those of you who followed the press conference or read up about it, Steve Jobs said that the antenna issue happens more often than we think, even bringing up the HTC Droid Eris, showing that this device has more of an antenna issue than the iPhone 4. After this announcement, many Droid Eris owners reported that they could not produce the same result. With the Droid Eris antenna issue getting thrown under the bus for no apparent reason, we would like you to watch the video below and relax a little with a good laugh. Enjoy!

Anyone want to give them an Oscar?
What do you all think of the video? Let us know in the comments below.