
Design your Own Custom Android 2.2 Powered Handset…No Really!

There are things we all dream of doing and one of them high on my list is to design my very own Android 2.2 powered handset.  May you’re dreams come true in the form of a small startup company in Germany going by the name of synapse-phones.

It seems every man and his dog has been trying to get on the site all day and all we can get now is a “Sorry, the site is down due to overloading

Engadget, or a tipster for them, managed to grab the following screen when they got into the site once during the day.

Your device starts with a baseline 1GHz processor, 4.0″ screen and can be customised from that point forward.  Choose your radio with 3G and 4G, including LTE and WiMAX, then go on to add Bluetooth, WiFi, super mega pixel camera supporting up to 12MP and much much more.

If we ever get into the site, we’ll try to give you an update and see if we can grab some more screens, but for now you’ll have to keep trying yourselves and use the screenshot above as your reference.

Source: Synapse Phones via Engadget