
Unlocked Dell Streak with Android 2.2 pre-installed coming soon to the US?

For those of you with an eye on the Dell Streak, but have been waiting for an unlocked version to be available in the US, it looks like you’re in luck. According to the screenie you see above, it looks like the will soon be offering an unlocked version of the 5-inch tablet/phone and is coming with Android 2.2 pre-installed.

The Dell Streak will lose it’s subsidized pricing, but you probably already knew that, right? These unlocked devices will most likely be available via Dell’s website in the next couple of weeks while no official time frame was given. Having played with a Dell Streak in person while attending the Android BBQ, the device itself is not bad at all and with a little taste of Froyo, this could be one hot little device.

Would you purchase the Dell Streak unlocked with Android 2.2 pre-installed?

Via: Streak Smart