• News
  • 19 December, 2011

Who’s Suing Google Over Android Now? British Telecom, That’s Who

When will it end? Well, never when it comes to this big companies that want stacks of money and pretty much the easiest way to get it is to sue someone. Google has seen its fair share of patent lawsuits, and is now getting one from British Telecom. British Telecom filed a patent lawsuit Thursday in Delaware over six of its patents it says Google is infringing upon with Android. Same old song and dance right? Well they are also suing for services like maps and music. That is just where it gets ridiculous. No official word on what is going to happen yet, but feel free to skim through the 23 page complaint in the link below. Loosely translated…BLAH BLAH your to awesome BLAH BLAH BLAH we want your money BLAH BLAH.

Google Complaint
Source: Engadget