
Swype Beta for Android Gets Updated Installer and App (v2.15.56.14870)

Swype has just released an update to Swype BETA for Android. The Beta, which is now at version, features more prominent improvements to the installer, some new changes to the Swype app and some bug fixes. This update basically focuses on refining the installer. Here is a change log of what this new update brings.

INSTALLER v.1.1.15121

  • Revised installer workflow. Users can now enable Swype and select it as the default input method from within the Swype installer.
  • The installer now includes a repair feature. If a previous installation failed, or if the existing Swype BETA installation is broken (missing/corrupt license, etc), the installer will attempt to resume the installation process and repair any broken elements.
  • Clarified error messages to give a more accurate description of the specific problem encountered.
  • Added links to the tutorial and tips-and-tricks videos to the end of the installation.

SWYPE BETA v2.15.56.14870

  • Added support for new installer features, such as version checking and installation repair.
  • Merged the most recent changes from trunk (mostly device-specific bug fixes)

If you are a Beta user let us know how well the new installer and keyboard works for you with this new update. Do you like it?

Source: Swype Forums