
App Review: Zombieville USA [Video]

Why not take a trip to Zombieville USA? But don’t bother unpacking, you won’t be staying around too long.

Our fourth game featuring zombies in little over a month? Perhaps Android developers have been overrun by Zombies themselves, or a lack of original ideas. Okay, perhaps that’s not exactly fair as many of these recent games were released some time ago, such as this week’s Zombieville USA which came out on iOS a staggering two and a half years ago. The age of the game could be to blame for its simplicity as despite how entertaining things are to begin with you’ll be encountering a great deal of repetition.

You’ll begin your visit to Zombieville by selecting one of seven playable characters each with his own strengths and weaknesses such as a better ranged attack but worse melee or better melee but less money. Once your selection has been made you’re thrown into the action with nothing more than a pistol and a baseball bat. Zombieville is made up of short levels that are beaten by moving to the right and defeating the zombies that are in your way and defeating these zombies earns you money which can be spent on new weapons and ammo. Ammo and money can also be collected by running into houses along the way and sometimes you’ll find a survivor in these houses who’ll offer some help. That’s more or less all there is to Zombieville, there’s quite a few weapons to purchase but you’ll see all of them and all of the zombies by around level 30, which you’ll likely reach in your first sitting on normal difficulty. From then on it’s just more of the same but with tougher levels so you’ll have to be conservative with the ammo for the only two weapons that really make a difference at that level and time when you enter and leave buildings to avoid what zombies you can.

There’s little else to say about Zombieville. Replay value comes from being able to jump back into the action from any level that’s a multiple of five and attempt to progress further, or start from the beginning and attempt to score more kills. The experience feels more like something you’d get from a flash game, the action is fun but after the first couple of hours of play you won’t feel any driving need to return.

When you’re ready, head over to the Android Market and download this game by clicking or scanning the QR Code below.
Summary and Downloads:
Game: Zombieville USA
Developer: Mike Mobile
Cost:  $1.99

Are you a gamer? What games do you play most on your Android device and what else would you like us to review? Leave us your thoughts in the comments below!