
Android Magazine Available for Order Now

Yesterday we brought you news of a new Android Magazine scheduled to hit the news stands in the U.K. today. The publication is now live on their online store and ready for you to order. The first edition of this new printed publication is available for approx. $5.74 US currency. Shipping is approx 7.20. Your grand approx grand total should be around $13 bucks to get shipped out.

A few things to remember, this is the first edition of the magazine and will not be available in the subscription. I am uncertain if it will be available in stores in a few weeks when it launches state side. If you want to get your order in now, visit ImagineShop’s web store. 


If you missed our article about Android Magazine, feel free to hop back and take a look. I can’t wait to get my hands on this and see what they have put together.