
Who needs keys when you have NFC? Lockitron sets sights on remote lock Management

Another company has stepped into the race to replace your must have possessions with an application that will alleviate the need for keys. Lockitron’s new service will allow you to do a lot of various things.For starters you would be able to remotely unlock your house or simply buzz someone in with out the need to get up.

Utilizing a system of “mobile keys,” Lockitron’s system will communicate with custom hardware that they produce that connects to your home router. Which would allow you to unlock or lock your house remotely via your device as long as it is connected to the internet. You also have the option of sending a single use unlock code to a friend via SMS to allow them access to your home. This is particularly cool if you have some one house sitting and you forgot to leave them a key. They also have an optional NFC-tag that you can slap on your door so you can enter your home at the waive of your device. Not all doors and lock systems are compatible, but Lockitron does offer a self install kit which should be easy enough to install to be able to use the service.

The system will set you back nearly $300, but compared to some of the other option in similar areas it isn’t out of reach. Of course the NFC option would require you to have an NFC chip in your device. That is limited to the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus at this point. With the internet option, you have the ability to use it on your Android, Blackberry or iPhone device. Check out the video of this in action below.

Be sure to check out their official website at for more information.

The real questions that needs to be answered in my mind is security risks and if we are all becoming to reliant on technology for normal daily activities. People are so paranoid about applications stealing data or releasing your location that this seems like another thing that could be potentially bad news. I am just waiting for our devices to house all of our info so the cops just need to scan your phone to know everything about you.Let us know what you think about this product and your views on where technology is headed in regards to total control of your life.

Source: Androidpolice