
Ice Cream Sandwich Port Progress Report — Keep track of EVERY ICS project in one Thread

If you’ve been paying any attention to us here at AndroidStory, you already know there are a ton of Ice Cream Sandwich ports in the work for various devices. In fact, there are so many projects going on right now, I’ve lost track. By now, you’ve probably already found the threads you need to be in for your specific devices, but dravenSt0rM decided to put together a single thread — a one-stop-shop, if you will — that details the progress on every Android 4.0 port known to man (or at least known on XDA). If you own multiple Android devices, this post will help you easily keep track of each device and its ICS progress.

From a quick look at this extremely detailed list, you can see that there are a number of projects that are fairly close to prime time. On the other hand, there’s one problem that seems to be giving a ton of people headaches — the camera. It’s been said that Google made some pretty extensive changes to the Android framework, more specifically to the camera, that aren’t wanting to play nice with developers. The CyanogenMod crew has already noted these issues, but they also remain confident that their team can overcome them as usual.

Want a peek at the list? Head on over to dravenStorM’s thread. Don’t forget to drop him a thanks for his efforts in compiling this wonderful list.

Is your device on the list? How’s progress coming along for you?