
Madfinger Games and Gamestop team up to give you a Transformer Prime plus Shadowgun: Deadzone beta Testing

I am so happy that you clicked through to this post. It means you want a Transformer Prime just as much as I do. I should be greedy and not make the announcement and increase my chances of winning, but I am to nice to do that. So here is what is going on,  Madfinger Games has teamed up with Gamestop for a sweepstakes that puts you in the running to win a Prime. No purchase necessary and all that jazz. Simply like their Facebook page and fill in the form real quick. Pretty easy and only takes a minute.

Before you go take care of business and get yourself hoping to win, there is another little tidbit of info. I am still waiting on confirmation on the details. From what I can tell so far though is that the winner or winners of the Prime will also get to help beta test Shadowgun: Deadzone. Which will be a freemium multi-player version of the game. Containing 3 to 4 maps, 8 customizable characters, 12 customizable weapons and other additional gadgets an gizmos. Being a freemium though, shelling out some cash for special weapons and other useful items will help with your survival, server costs and further development.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go get yourself entered! Goodluck. If you win and it was because of us, let us know. It will make me feel better if one of our fans get it if I don’t.

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