
Blastosis 2D Scrolling High Resolution shoot’em-up

Blastosis 2D Scrolling Shooter

A new game called “Blastosis” has been released on the Android Market for your 800×480+ Resolution devices (ie Droid/NexusOne/Newer-Gen Devices).  The game is a traditional 2D scrolling shoot’em-up from Siliconis Games.

Your home system was just conquered by the evil Blastosis aliens.  Now its payback!

Intense, fast old-school shoot’em-up with new-school high-resolution graphics.  Blastosis:Invasion was designed with the next generation Android devices in mind to utilize the latest openGL chip and high-resolution graphics.  Four beautifully rendered stages of pure pew-pew mayhem! Three different weapons, each with different levels of power.  Can you save your world?

This LITE version includes 1 stage.  The Full version, available on the marketplace for $1.49, includes 4 beautifully rendered stages.

Use the QRCode below to find out more from your Android device.