
ROM – @chrispaw CapRomAlpha for HTC Amaze 4G

chrispaw has released an update to CapRomAlpha. The latest version is now 3.19.2012.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Amaze 4G


  • Removed the shortcuts from the stock lock screen. *I feel this is a good compromise. Caller ID and wake on incoming call is fixed.
  • Restored native screenshot application.
  • Changed Daemon settings to off: 192/192 on: 192/1.56ghz.


  • Odexed
  • Andrev_OC Daemon included with Daemon Controller (source: Sybregunne) – Important: read post #1 for more information
  • Default settings: Sleep: 192-384mhz / Awake 384-1.56ghz
  • Volume up/down wake disabled
  • Stock HTC sense 3.0 lockscreen – Note: you will not be able to change your shortcuts and i still recommend Go Locker.
  • Button brightness tweaked slightly again
  • Back screen LCD brightness tweaked slightly again to be less bright but still view-able
  • Adreno tweaks
  • Added more build.prop tweaks

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