And so it begins. We have been waiting, watching and even hitting the F5 key just in case we missed something. Now Steve Kondik, the original man behind CyanogenMOD, has released a little preview build of
CM10 for the Samsung Galaxy S III. Well, three out of the four here in the states anyways. In English, that means the T-Mobile, AT&T and Sprint versions are good to test it out, while the locked down Verizon version is left out in the cold looking through the windows. The Sprint edition of the CM10 preview was released by another developer, but is the same thing you will see on AT&T and T-Mobile’s versions.
Before you go jumping into the download pages below, remember, these are preview builds, not stable builds. Heck, they aren’t even nightlies yet. They boot, they work and they give you a look at what is going on. No complaining that things don’t work or asking for new features. Just take it for what it is and give it a whirl at your own risk. Hit up your particular device model below and let us know how it goes.
If you want to know why there is no build for the Verizon Galaxy S III, take a quick read here.  It is coming along, but much slower than we would all like.
Via CM G+Â and AndroidpoliceÂ