
[Daily Steals] Motorola Xoom 4G LTE Available for $199.99

Not sure about what tablet to get? Maybe looking to get a tablet for a friend or family member? Well why not a Motorola Xoom? It is not really anything too fancy, but if you are in the market for a tablet that is not too fancy, and you got a couple hundred bucks to spend, head over to Daily Steals right now and purchase a Moto Xoom for $200. Listed price for this tablet is $800 bucks, so you are definitely saving a pretty penny. It is also the LTE version so you can have all your social medias on the go. Could be a nice gift for someone this Christmas. Click the link below and head over to Daily Steals to check it out. Let us know if you reached in your wallet and purchased this mid-ranged tablet.

Daily Steals