
Android 2.1 Coming to Sprint Hero and Moment in “Upcoming Weeks”

If you recall, Sprint had tweeted that the latest iteration of Google’s Android system would come to the HTC Hero and Samsung Moment during early Q2. This sparked some digging to be done, and after a tedious phone call with a Sprint customer service rep, it was revealed the end of March — even possibly March 26th to be exact would be the date for this update. On the contrary, a “Sprint employee” (note the quotations) proclaimed on XDA had said that Sprint was “actively working on having the Android 2.1 platform available to our Hero and Moment customers over the coming weeks,” and that “more information coming in April.”

What can we pull from this? Well it’s easy to see that Sprint is planning to keep their word on their deadline for release of 2.1. Be it late March, or April the update is coming.

[via Engadget]