
ASUS made Google Nexus tablet images emerge, Allegedly

While we would all love to believe everything we see and read on the internet, it isn’t always true. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a good way to get us all excited for something. The Google Nexus tablet that has been talked about, confirmed and all but announced, is definitely the next big news story since the Galaxy S III. The rumors have pegged it to be made by ASUS, sport a Tegra 3 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM and push Android 4.1 to a 7-inch display. There is potential for this to be the first real images of the device sporting both the Google and ASUS branding. The tablet, which doesn’t have an official name yet, is said to be landing for around $200. If all of this comes to be true, it is going to be one super powerful little tablet for a price that a lot of us can actually afford.

We aren’t 100% sold on the images you see before you though. While they could very well be real, they have a very Samsung Galaxy Note-esque look. On the rear, you can sort of make out what looks like a large ring where a rear camera could be. Looks like an HTC design to us. On the front you see a few sensors, but what is a bit perplexing is the apparent earpiece grill. That could be potentially added for Google Voice, or maybe Hangouts when you just want some privacy and don’t need video. Woo knows. It is hard to see enough detail in the images and there isn’t anything to judge its size. We are going to keep this one in the rumor bin for the time being, but we should hopefully know more in a short time.

Source: Phonearena