
Google TV 2.1.1 update hitting Sony devices, Logitech Revue update news to land Soon

It has been a rocky start for Google and their Google TV platform. What started out more of an idea that snowballed into a product that din’t make the Googlers jaws drop, has been getting slightly better. The Honeycomb update that took ages to land was a welcomed sight, but many people still weren’t happy. Google has no plans to scrap the project though. As we all know, there are a number of new set top boxes and TV’s with it integrated inside on the way. For a lot of the early adopter though, it might be too little too late. I know I enjoy mine and it does exactly what I need it to do. I think many people were expecting it to turn their TV’s into an Android power house, which it didn’t.

For those of us out there that still enjoy our set ups, you will be happy to know an update to at least of the units is currently rolling out. If you are the proud owner of Sony devices, you may want to check for updates. It is being labeled as version 2.1.1 and brings a few things that we have all been waiting for. It includes the ability to rent movies through the Play Store and the ability to watch movies on YouTube again. Not a huge update, but a welcomed one.

As for the Logitech Revue boxes, the Google TV Developers say news on that update is coming. We might see it today, we might not see it for a few weeks. Who knows, we might get some other little treats too. I know I’ll be checking for updates every few days.

Via Google TV Developers G+