
DROID X Ad Pokes Back at Apple

In my opinion, Steve Jobs is spending way too much time and money trying to prove his phone is not the only one with reception issues. My suggestion is “fix it.” HTC runs out of AMOLED screens and they find an alternative. Why can’t Steve look at an actual solution? I must say, the latest pokes have sure given some of the manufacturers something to play with in their market campaigns. Take a look at the latest ad that will run in today’s papers for the DROID X.

A good photo of your phone helps it sell but it’s the statement at the bottom that makes me laugh a little. Here’s what it reads if you can’t make it out.

“At Motorola, we believe a customer shouldn’t have to dress up their phone for it to work properly.  That’s why the DROID X comes with a dual antenna design.  The kind that allows you to hold the phone any way you like to make crystal clear calls without a bulky phone jacket.  For us it’s just one of those things that comes as a given when you’ve been making mobile phones for over 30 years.”

Not much else to say about that one. I would be kicking myself about now if I were Steve.

Source: talkandroid