
Galaxy Tab sales breach 1 million, Samsung shooting for 1.5

The Samsung Galaxy Tab release was a much anticipated device launch. We all needed something to get our grubby little hands on that wasn’t an iPad. With the huge success of the Galaxy S line it should come as no surprise that the Tab has received the following that it deserved.

In the last two months since its launch Samsung is reporting numbers breaching 1 million units shipped. Since that was their goal for the year they have moved it to 1.5 million now. Even with just over 3 weeks left in the month it is entirely feasible for them to make this goal.

What makes these numbers so obtainable is the fact that Samsung hasn’t locked into a single carrier for their products. These sorts of sales numbers are a lot less obtainable when you are limited on audience. Although the iPad did see numbers in the 2 millions for the last 2 months. We still have a 2 to 1 ratio and are closing that gap. I know Samsung is pretty pleased with there overall success this year. It sounds like they have no plans to slow down either. They plan to make a 10″ Galaxy Tab next year and if they are the true makers of the Nexus S, well then there is no stopping these guys. We will have to wait and see what the holiday season brings for Samsung. Maybe we can out sell Apple this year, wouldn’t that be a nice notch on the belt.

How many of you guys are planning or hopping to get a Tab for the holidays? I know I am.

Source: Chosun