
First Android SMS Trojan Released into the Wild

Android users beware! The first malicious program to specifically target the Android smartphone platform has been released into the wild. A malware known as the Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a, has been detected and is known to have infected a number of mobile devices.

According to Kaspersky Lab, the malicious program disguises itself as a harmless media player application and prompts users to install a small .apk file unto the device. Upon consent to install the app, the Trojan gains access to make calls and send SMSs on the smartphone without further authorization.

As a precaution for every app installation, users should always double check what the application is requesting access to – this is very important. The SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a malware gains access to premium rate services that charge users to send SMSs and make calls. As a result, the Trojan is able to send SMS to premium rate numbers without the user’s permission, resulting in money passing from the user’s account to that of the cybercriminals.

Denis Maslennikov, Mobile Research Group Manager at Kaspersky Lab, quotes:

“The IT market research and analysis organization IDC has noted that those selling devices running Android are experiencing the highest growth in sales among smartphone manufacturers. As a result, we can expect to see a corresponding rise in the amount of malware targeting that platform,”

The Kaspersky Lab plans to release Kaspersky Mobile Security for Android early next year to counter this growing threat to the Android platform.

For more information on this malware visit the Kaspersky website by clicking HERE.

Source: Kaspersky Labs