
Free Alien vs. Predator: Evolution Valentines Day wallpapers; They can get along Too

Not much to say here, other than ‘Awe.’ For those of you manly men out there who want to show your significant other out there that you can be kind and gentle at times too, check out this series of custom AVP: Evolution wallpapers. They are sure to give you that warm and fuzzy feeling you need for the upcoming holiday. Don’t get to comfortable though, the cease fire will end soon and the war will rage on.

Below is the gallery of images that are available for your picking. They all have their resolution sizes in the name to help you get the one that best fits your device and gives you the whole image.

Be on the look out for the new Alien vs. Predator Evolution game headed to Android and iOS sometime soon. If you haven’t checked out the trailer yet, be sure to do so HERE.