
Gmail App Gets Updated Available In Android Market

For those you running Android 2.2, you might want to look up Gmail in the Android Market as v2.3 is now available offering some new features along with some nice UI enhancements.

With the Gmail application added to the Android Market, now users can get the latest and greatest without having to wait for a system update. Below are a few more added features that will help users browse and organize their emails a little better.

  • Easier message replies
  • Better access to quoted text to show what prompted the most recent email
  • Important message actions now stick the top of the screen no matter how long the email
  • Limited support for Gmail’s new Priority Inbox feature
  • You can now move the application to your SD card using the Apps to SD method

This application is only for those devices running Android 2.2 and can be found in the Android Market. You can also scan the QR code below or if browsing with your Android device, simply click the QR code to take you directly to the application in the Android Market. Enjoy!

Via: Google Mobile Blog