
[Update] Google Hangouts confirmed to gain SMS Integration

Google+ Hangouts
In the new Google Hangouts app permissions there is a section that requests the ability to interface with your SMS in various ways. When you first launch the app you are asked to confirm your number as well. That means that SMS integration should be available. Meaning you can keep your text messages and your chats all in one inbox. That all by its self is awesome. I personally hate having to switch back and forth between apps to hold conversations with people. So the questions on everyone’s mind, is why it doesn’t work and will it ever be included. I don’t have the answer to as why it was launched with out it working. I can guess that it wasn’t working as expected by the time they made the announcement. As for when it is coming, “soon” is the answer that has been provided by Dori Storbeck, she is the Community Manager for Google+ Hangouts and Chat.

Hangouts SMS integrations
Soon is a pretty broad spectrum, but we would like to think that it is a top priority considering how large the demand is for it. The conversation is pretty intense on this topic. Not just the SMS integration.  What do you guys think about Hangouts, how it works and will SMS integration make you use it even more?

Source: Phandroid 

UPDATE: Seems hopes and dreams and a single sentence got us all excited. Dori has added an edit to her comment in regards to the SMS integration. Stating – “EDIT: Oops! We actually have nothing to announce at this time. My apologies.” Does that mean that some form of SMS integration isn’t on the way? I don’t think so. Exactly what it is and will look like will be up in the air until an official announcement is made. Lets just hope it does let us pull our SMS inbox into the app like other apps out there do. I don’t see why that would be hard or not the goal in the first place.